Availability for Walk-in Visits
  • Existing clients: We are available for walk-ins 11AM to 6PM Mon. Feb. 3 to Wed. Feb. 5.
  • Existing clients: We are available for walk-ins 11 AM to 6 PM Mon. Feb. 10 to Wed. Feb. 12.
  • Interested in becoming a new client? Please schedule your free consultation now.

Records Retrieval

So you'd like our assistance with a VA claim or appeal but you are not in possession of your records. Your first step is to retrieve you records and we can assist. Book an appointment for our assistance with retrieving your records.

Choose this option if you are NOT in possession of your records. You are NOT to come in for records retrieval. We will call you and collect the information needed to request your records.

Schedule for assistance with Records Retrieval

(When selecting an appointment date, please choose a date that is at least 4 days out. No same day appointments please)

VA Disability Claim/Appeal Consultation (In-Office)

So you are in possession of your records and you'd like to schedule your free initial consultation. Schedule to sit face-to-face with our experts. We'll review your prior claims decisions, service medical records, service personnel records and current treatment records as needed. We'll explain your options and make recommendations. Book your face-to-face appointment.

Do NOT choose this option if you are not in possession of your records.

Schedule your In-Office Consultation.


VA Disability Claim/Appeal Consultation (Virtual)

So you are in possession of your records in electronic format (unencrypted PDF) and you'd like to schedule your free initial consultation. Schedule to meet visually (via secure video conference) with our experts. We'll review your prior claims decisions, service medical records, service personnel records and current treatment records as needed. We'll explain your options and make recommendations. Book your secure virtual appointment.

Do NOT choose this option if you are not in possession of your records IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT.

Schedule your Virtual Consultation