Availability for Walk-in Visits
  • Existing clients: We are available for walk-ins 11AM to 6PM Mon. Mar. 10 to Wed. Mar. 12.
  • Existing clients: We are available for walk-ins 11 AM to 6 PM Mon. Mar. 17 to Wed. Mar. 19.
  • Interested in becoming a new client? Please schedule your free consultation now.

Being in possession of your own records is crucial to winning your claims. This article explains how to get them and walks you through steps to request them.

If you've never filed a claim, you can request your service medical records and personnel file:

download and complete Form SF 180 - Download Form | sample-form180
Mail to: Department of Veterans Affairs
Records Management Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115-5020

* average time for delivery is 3 to 6 weeks

If you have previously filed a claim or you already have a service-connected disability, you can request your service medical records, personnel file and/or prior rating decisions by:

For Current Treatment Records, you can visit your current medical provider's facility/offices and request a copy of your treatment records - preferably on disc (though paper works too).

Intent to File

If you're even thinking about opening a disability claim, it is wise to download, complete and submit an Intent to File form (VA Form 21-0966). You can download the form here. Once completed, send it via USPS certifed mail to your state's VA Regional Benefit Office. Find the mailing address for your states office on the VA's website at www.benefits.va.gov/benefits/offices.asp. You can to this now, prior to making contact with us. If you do so, just be sure to bring a copy of the Intent to File to your first consult with us.